These Movable Parts, wildness, forthcoming
"A little voice asks if maybe I’ve made a mistake. But it’s so easy to leave, I think. Do I even know how to stay?"
Photo by Arttanja/iStock / Getty Images
Fat Class, r.kv.r.y., forthcoming
"When I sat and thought about it, in my most honest reflections, I thought, If I’m going to be fat, I want to be fat and fucking beautiful."
My Father's Name, Bodega, 5 Mar. 2018
"Once, we stopped alongside I-90 to collect volcanic ash in Gerber baby food jars, several years after Mt. St. Helens erupted. I handed him my jar of ash and wiped my hands on my pants before we got back on the road. Like many Northwesterners alive at that time, he still has these relics in a box in his basement. My jar still has my name on it, our family name."